

Oanda Oanda(万达)是世界上唯一一家支持周末交易的主流外汇经纪商,不过现在传出的消息或许对那些希望在周末交易的客户来说并不是一个好消息,近日Oanda称将从本周末开始无限期中止周末交易,Oanda交易时间调整为美国东部时间星期五下午4:00关闭,而于美国东部时间周日下午大约3点开盘。




Dear XX,

OANDA Corporation will adjust its operating policy indefinitely to bring trading hours in line with industry standards. Beginning this Friday, July 6, 2012, our weekly trading session will close on Friday afternoons at 4:00 PM EDT and reopen Sunday afternoons at approximately 3:00 PM EDT.

OANDA was the sole forex provider to offer weekend trading, and did so as a client service despite the fact that global forex markets do not operate on Saturdays and Sundays. Regular weekday trading will not be impacted by this alteration to OANDA’s operating hours.

“Maintaining a market when the international currency markets are closed represents a significant challenge,” noted OANDA’s Chief Technology Officer, Tony Savor. “In the absence of live market data, OANDA could still offer a price for each currency pair, but with no active market in which to hedge customer trades, OANDA was forced to take on greater risk. To mitigate this risk, it was necessary to increase spreads but this was deemed to be at odds with OANDA’s objective of keeping client costs as low as possible. Our commitment to providing low spreads was a major consideration in this decision.”

“We understand that for some, this change in trading hours will be an inconvenience,” said OANDA CEO K Duker, “but when we compare the risk weekend trading represents with the very low volumes actually traded, the obvious conclusion is to suspend trading during non-market hours. This will also enable OANDA to concentrate additional resources on accommodating the needs of our clients during regular market hours, when the vast majority of our clients depend on OANDA to provide a fair and efficient market in which to trade.”

We appreciate your business. Please contact OANDA customer service with any questions you may have.


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